gambling addiction, YouGov problem gambling report

UK Problem Gambling Rate is Higher than Thought

UK problem gambling rate is higher than what analysts previously thought. That was according to the survey commissioned by YouGov, a GambleAware charity. It showed that half of the problem gamblers are not getting any assistance.

YouGov estimated 2.7 percent of adults in the UK, or around 1.4 million people are suffering from gambling addiction. Experts cautioned that the figure might be an overestimation. Also, they claimed the actual rate might be closer to 0.7 percent, which came from the survey made by the Gambling Commission.

However, the YouGov survey indicated that the number of gambling addicts is higher than the present estimates. There were 16,000 respondents of the study. Also, the YouGov problem gambling report showed that seven percent of adults or around 3.6 million people are affected by another person’s gambling problem.

UK Problem Gambling Rate

gambling addiction, YouGov problem gambling reportBased on pay per head solution sources, around 5 million people are suffering from harm related to gambling. They accounted for the overlap between problem gamblers and those around them.

Both the UK Gambling Commission and GambleAware said that the latest findings overestimated the rate of problem gambling in the nation. Also, they highlighted a review of the data conducted by Professor Patrick Sturgis, a poll sampling expert.

According to, Sturgis was a former trustee of GambleAware. He said that the health survey and YouGov survey have flaws. He added that the actual rate of gambling addiction in the UK is nearer to the commonly used standard of 0.7 percent from a health survey than the 2.7 percent figure from YouGov.

However, Sturgis said that the public should not ignore the higher rate. He added that some people might underestimate the addiction levels of the general public. According to a pay per head blog, the survey results could lead to tighter measures addressing gambling addiction.

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